Many of us are familiar with the saying, we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. This was demonstrated in front of the world—our eyes—in the transition of the soul Nodar Kumaritashvili at the beginning of the Olympic Games in Canada. We all come to the earth plane for many experiences. It is a journey unlike any other a soul chooses to have, and yet when we are finished with this present life experience, we can go in a moment. This is a soul’s choice. Perhaps, he did not with his consciousness realize that it was to be the exact moment—during the sport that meant so much to him, but he was ready. And this soul was ready, and the moment was one that brought a tremendous energy to everyone and for that we must celebrate. On the grand energetic experience he added to the chemistry, the alchemy and the joining which shifts energy to all still in body and to the Universes beyond.
At Sally Baldwin’s monthly “Otherside Chat” in Pompano Beach, Florida, the question was asked about insight into the transition, and I share with you, a portion of the channeled response: “We must tell you that, most definitely, this momentous moment, this idea of what occurred as this wondrous soul took his leave of the physical plane only added to the power of the magic of what this gathering was all about. It gave to it, added the distinction that is so deep and so soulful that you don’t even have ideas for it.
What we are bringing you is the idea that this soul most definitely did not sacrifice himself. He is no martyr. He gave over to leaving the planet. His leaving of the planet was assured. His leaving of the planet, like all souls, was exactly at the moment and exactly in the way that he chose. With that, the power, the idea of the elevation, the frequency, the vibration of the energy of the gathering was thus added to such a degree that we can bring in this message to you tonight. That is the wonder of dying. That is the amazing process of what it is for a spiritual being to be inhabiting a wondrous physical vessel and then to leave it. The amazement of this, the wonder of this, the unbelievable empowerment of this is so little recognized by all of you. Even when you know it in theory and you can accept it as something, you wonder; how can it be so? How can an event of that nature that can engender so much angst, so much sorry and grief, have a power that is that important, that impactful, that holy? Yet you have had example after example here on this earth. You have documented historically how it is so. Through the transition of others there is an impact on the human race and on the planet itself that is beyond reproach, that is beyond measurement, that is nothing you fully grasp or totally understand. So take it as this – another sign, another requisition, another opening that, yes, the gathering of this game was something of such importance and such value and such impact on the shifting of you as the human race that, yes, it was marked by the most wondrous and sacred events of all. That is the transition of a soul from here to there.”
Whether you agree or disagree is immaterial. It is the idea of transitioning that carries immense power, intensity, energy and grace. That is the truth. We honor the Georgian Luger called Nodar Kumaritashvili and the insight behind his momentous transition.