Thursday, March 25, 2010


I guess we all know the importance of birthdays because it’s such a big deal—and for the most part, if we’re not here--we don’t get one! Unless of course, you are George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King or Jesus! For the rest of us however, we usually mark the occasion with cake, balloons, ice cream and (at least at my house) a poorly, but sincere rendition of “Happy Birthday” always sung off key! For some of us, it is a time, it seems, that we’ve endured and survived the physical plane another calendar year . . . yet, perhaps it is really a time to feel our vitality, energy and resurgence and that there is meaning to being here! After all, we chose to be here at this moment in time and maybe for a moment, we should reflect on our meaning, mission and purpose? As we blow out our candles, ask yourself, “How am I doing against my mission?” Or “What am I doing here?” and after the candle smoke clears, “Am I truly looking for who I am on this earth, and what I want out of it?” The experience here can be anything we want it to be. So with a different view and different sense of what marking your birth is all about—and in the midst’s of celebration we can reflect for a moment and tell ourselves; Be all you can be—it’s a wondrous journey! Now, let’s get set for another one!
Happy Birthday Sally Baldwin—for the soul who helps so many understand their path—their mission and their journey!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

What? Alternate Lives not Past Lives!

We all love to daydream about who we were in a “past life.” We live in a linear world and in this world there is always a ‘before and after’, a ‘coming up and what was’—a ‘yesterday or tomorrow’. We plan our lives that way, and so it is easy for us to compartmentalize outside this dimension of time and space and project our very limited human linear viewpoint. We live in a world of time and space but we don’t want to keep getting lost and caught in the prison of time and space even though we must contend with it as we live with it daily. Our concepts have been boxed that way too. However if we are able to step out of that belief for a moment and realize that these ‘past lives’ are really in fact—alternate lives that are concurrent, we expand the sense of who we really are. And, if we are more than just these physical tangible beings of light, then we are also beings that are so clearly eternal and immortal and thus do not answer to concepts of time and space.

Ironically, this doesn’t matter to the spiritual nature of who we are. But if you want to access more consciously the spiritual nature –the soulful beingness of who we are, then we have to be able or willing to step outside the concept of time and space. We need to begin to realize that there are ways while we are awake and conscious. (Not asleep or in deep meditation) First, begin to be more aware that you are more than just this physical person who is dealing with the conditions of time and space.

This is why it is important to be mindful of our terminology when it comes to our other aspects or lives. They are not past. They are not future. They are concurrent and they are real. They are now. They are just alternatives to what it is we’re experiencing with the focus on this consciousness of “this person.” Because we feel the consciousness of our current personality to be so strong and so important—that is where we focus—that’s where we give all our attention and we use it for every frame of reference in our existence. Think of a library filled with thousands of books. The one we’re currently reading—is where our consciousness is focused or who we identify as ourselves.

Yet, if we are going to accept that we are more than just this physical being in this moment, then we have to be able to accept that we are living a life that is an alternate to some other lives and other lives are alternatives to this one, and they are not in the past, and not in the future. They are a part of who we are right now as we manifest in this life as this being.

The more we can grasp this idea, the more we will be able to accept that, and the more we will begin to find that we are feeling our spirit—our soul more emphatically and more consciously here. It makes it easier not to have to keep giving over to the distractions, the simulations and the detours that come and take us off course—or onto another track.

In other words, you could really feel what it is to be multi-dimensional and not just see it as a theory—that you’ll have to wait for until you die!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Olympian Luger's Death was Power and Magic

Many of us are familiar with the saying, we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. This was demonstrated in front of the world—our eyes—in the transition of the soul Nodar Kumaritashvili at the beginning of the Olympic Games in Canada. We all come to the earth plane for many experiences. It is a journey unlike any other a soul chooses to have, and yet when we are finished with this present life experience, we can go in a moment. This is a soul’s choice. Perhaps, he did not with his consciousness realize that it was to be the exact moment—during the sport that meant so much to him, but he was ready. And this soul was ready, and the moment was one that brought a tremendous energy to everyone and for that we must celebrate. On the grand energetic experience he added to the chemistry, the alchemy and the joining which shifts energy to all still in body and to the Universes beyond.
At Sally Baldwin’s monthly “Otherside Chat” in Pompano Beach, Florida, the question was asked about insight into the transition, and I share with you, a portion of the channeled response: “We must tell you that, most definitely, this momentous moment, this idea of what occurred as this wondrous soul took his leave of the physical plane only added to the power of the magic of what this gathering was all about. It gave to it, added the distinction that is so deep and so soulful that you don’t even have ideas for it.
What we are bringing you is the idea that this soul most definitely did not sacrifice himself. He is no martyr. He gave over to leaving the planet. His leaving of the planet was assured. His leaving of the planet, like all souls, was exactly at the moment and exactly in the way that he chose. With that, the power, the idea of the elevation, the frequency, the vibration of the energy of the gathering was thus added to such a degree that we can bring in this message to you tonight. That is the wonder of dying. That is the amazing process of what it is for a spiritual being to be inhabiting a wondrous physical vessel and then to leave it. The amazement of this, the wonder of this, the unbelievable empowerment of this is so little recognized by all of you. Even when you know it in theory and you can accept it as something, you wonder; how can it be so? How can an event of that nature that can engender so much angst, so much sorry and grief, have a power that is that important, that impactful, that holy? Yet you have had example after example here on this earth. You have documented historically how it is so. Through the transition of others there is an impact on the human race and on the planet itself that is beyond reproach, that is beyond measurement, that is nothing you fully grasp or totally understand. So take it as this – another sign, another requisition, another opening that, yes, the gathering of this game was something of such importance and such value and such impact on the shifting of you as the human race that, yes, it was marked by the most wondrous and sacred events of all. That is the transition of a soul from here to there.”
Whether you agree or disagree is immaterial. It is the idea of transitioning that carries immense power, intensity, energy and grace. That is the truth. We honor the Georgian Luger called Nodar Kumaritashvili and the insight behind his momentous transition.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Soul Relationships In Everyday Life

In a recent copy of Parade Magazine, I read about the long successful relationship between Susan and Jeff Bridges. Celebrated and admired in Hollywood because of so many marriages that dissolve right in front of us--seen on the pages of People, US or other tabloids displayed in every supermarket country wide. On the other hand, after 20+ years together, Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins have called it quits. Why do some relationships flourish and others deteriorate? It happened in my own life and I often envy those that are truly last. But what is really beneath the surface, and can we explain this on the spiritual level?

Well, the answer is yes. Many things unrecognized and unseen by most are at work with every relationship, every connection, and every encounter we experience, even though we may see and consider it all random. Nothing is random in the universe and some relationships which appear so unconnected are really more connected than our human selves realize or will ever fully understand.

There are many formal and informal soul relationships. Each has a certain flavor or character to them. The one between the Bridges is called a “monad”. In fact, they share a “Love” Monad. According to the Michael teaching’s, monads are usually played out over several lifetimes until the lesson is complete. In a love monad, the two, in this case Susan and Jeff Bridges, have been together and have experienced every other monad relationship and are therefore able to achieve agape towards each other. (Ah—at last!)

If we take a peek at the soul relationship Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins share; it is major karma. Karma is what they came together for and their experience together has been completed! It is not good or bad, it just iswhen karma is “created” it must be experienced in both directions –in some life in order that balance can be restored. I like to say, we have to experience both sides of the coin. And, this is the lifetime many karmic relationships are being completed.

What about others? Patrick Swayze and Lisa are Soul Mates, Mikhail and Raisa Gorbuchev are Essence Twins. So are Paul and Linda McCartney! The President Barack and Michelle are Task Companions . . . What are yours? If you care to know, my dear friend Sally Baldwin, medium and channel can certainly find the answer. It is an awesome experience and one that will forever change the way you see and view relationships with others!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

We Are Multidimensional

Many years ago, I read an article in Seventeen Magazine about the theory of ESP; extrasensory perception. ESP is the ability to become aware of things by means other than the normal senses, e.g. through clairvoyance or telepathy. I was fascinated by the topic—even as a teen—something resonated with that apparent telepathic connection that we all possess. Today, as an adult, I have an expanded viewpoint on the intangible or ethereal. To some of you, it may be new concept: we are more than just the human; we are multidimensional! Now what does that mean? And, why does it surface at this moment in time?
The Last two weeks, when I began to film Sally’s channeling to be broadcast on YouTube, there appeared to be an orb, a light—something around Sally as she channeled. Who was trying to get our attention? This has happened to me before, both having my picture taken, and while taking the pictures of others. Perhaps, you have experienced it also? But how does this fit into the belief of our five senses, and how do we suspend our need to understand without having to understand?
We must go to a place of trust and faith. We are joining in this human experience as very multidimensional beings—and this very real demonstration is to enlighten us—to expand our view of who we really are. We have a choice and we can broaden the scope of what life is; more than what most of our senses, our ego and our left brain tell us. As multidimensional beings, and not just the human, we have the ability to shift and not be so quick to judge what is happening in our lives. If we can recognize and know that there are other things playing out in our lives, perhaps we can lighten our view of life and not have the difficultly with the dramas and things we deem so important.
Simply by joining and expanding to who we really are, gives us the opportunity to sense, listen and partake—if we only take a minute and realize something else must be at work here If we simply observe and be open to possibilities we can open ourselves to a whole new reality demonstrated right before our very eyes! Now, how cool is that! (Visit Sally on YouTube. Can you see the Orb of light?)

Friday, February 5, 2010

We All Need a Village

Steve Baldwin, artist and co-creator of the Dying to Live Again Foundation talks about the Village. He is referring to the sense of community, not the legal definition defined by Wikipedia or on the pages of some legal document. In the past, the sense of community spawned from clan, a tribe, or an extended family and served as sounding board, caretaker, advisor and mentor. Yet given the characteristics of modern society including the movement away from our childhood homes and relatives, our village begins to looks much different now. Perhaps it is time we shift and seriously consider that we are all of the One—and in spite of our shared interests or lack thereof, our perceptions on life or our nerdy colleague or wacky neighbors—the question becomes, how do we connect with our tribe and reach out in support and love to another?
This is a blog not a thesis paper, but let me throw a few things out worth pondering.
It is easy to check on our best friends, but I challenge you to call upon someone—whomever—that immediately comes to mind and offer a kind word—a trip to the grocery store or 15 minutes of your time, understanding and love. (All it may be for you is a hand-wave to a neighbor.) We need to shift from having to being—a reprioritization of our values—which seems to be happening at a very subtle level. Just like the pebble tossed into the pond, the ripples which energetically are sent out across the pond change the dynamics when lives are touched. Shifts begin and are sent to each other whether we know of the act of kindness or not. This transformation does not occur by replacing one limited circle with another, instead, it stretches us to reach out to another just like explorers and pioneers in an unexplored, untapped potential. This time it is with one another. Drop your fear, and use your intuition and instinct and begin to create your own unique village by lending time, service, and understanding to another.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Butterfly: Symbols and Signs from the Otherside

Butterflies always seem to create a strong emotional response. Just by their beauty and graceful flight they attract our attention. Sometimes, appearing to simply float through the garden and other times as a symbol to someone we have loved, and is no longer on this physical plane. The importance of spirit’s timing cannot be under estimated. Just when our thoughts drift to a wishing or a longing a butterfly finds its way into our sight. The believers all know that “grandma” was just here to wish us well—and to let us know she is fine. Naysayers simply call it nonsense. (Although, it difficult for me to understand why anyone would want to go through life looking only for what seemed to be the rational and the reasonable.) But, for those who will believe the magic and mystery, spirit is as real as the colors and symmetry the butterfly displays. We could even suppose for those doubters that perhaps the message is as factual as the insects own transformation. For who would suppose the lonely caterpillars’ rebirth would be a “badly decoded message “or symbol for us too!

But why wait? There is no need to wait until we transition to the Otherside to make that leap! You don’t have to be someone who follows what we all follow; the journey is yours. You have permission to soar. In terms of your own sense of what spirit is about, all you need to know is there is more than what you are adding up the parts to be: that is enough. And of course, the butterfly reminds us of this.

Even the most majestic bird doesn’t hold the mystery and majesty of the simple butterfly. For it is the vibrant color. It is the lightness. It is the texture of the velvet. It is the beautiful transformation that goes on from one part of its being to another. That is why it holds such a truth and such a strong resilient signal to all of us in human form. It gives us that recognition that if this can be the case, then it can be the case for all of us. You don’t have to wait for yourself to die. You don’t have to wait for the transition of another. Just notice what the butterfly is all about. Recognize you are a butterfly. You hold that magic inside of you. Author, Richard Bach once said, What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly. So, take that butterfly—and let others know—it is a signal and sign for them. They hold the magic and majesty of the butterfly that is within them, and they don’t have to wait until they die to discover it.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Haiti Earthquake

So what has the latest crisis got to do with spirituality? We have seen the suffering and hardship not once, but many times befall this small nation in the Caribbean. All the major networks have their reporters on the island sharing the devastation of befallen buildings while the dead lay side by side on sidewalks;causalities from this impressive earthquake. On a very human side, the world has thankfully joined together--laying aside our differences and focusing instead on an outpouring of love--accepted with love and gratitude by their President.

So many levels, meanings and things elude us in our human condition, but all eyes focused on Haiti certainly will have a measurable effect within our hearts as we join and thus our shift as human beings becomes unmistakable. And love, which is perhaps our soul's true mission on the earth plane, is often overlooked, deemed unimportant and insignificant by most that have no problem casting judgment on the homeless on our streets. So, it seems to take something of this magnitude (pun intended) to make us all stop; question, ponder, and ask why? What is the bigger spiritual picture? Can we view this situation differently and make sense of what we see broadcast into our homes over this natural event called earthquake?

So I present it here . . . a very different perspective. Not to take away from the compassion and empathy surrounding this situation, but to suggest that we each incarnate to earth for different feelings, different experiences, and yes, different events that seem to cataclysmic. To recognize and know that there are moments where souls clearly together and on mass take themselves to another dimension. Again, this is not something that we should judge, but entertain, that the idea of transitioning and transitioning in such numbers with others in the collective and of our energy force has a power that we cannot fully understand and that there is something else going on here. We must acknowledge the grander sense of who they are. For when souls are able to go together--a feeling of being a part of something of great significance and relating to the whole universe as their spirits leave this plane.

his is not something we easily understand or accommodate in our minds, but it is indeed something worth thinking about and pondering. These grand and glorious souls are doing something for the larger collective and we should give them credit. We must be acquainted with this so that we can step forward and begin to think differently. To assess these events differently is important as we bring our wondrous love and compassion for each other, not merely to dismiss the event as catastrophic, but as a wondrously divine, honorable, timely and energetic transition for the benefit of all.

Monday, January 4, 2010


“It is indeed a beautiful moment when we see no barriers and no boundaries between who we are, no matter what dimension we inhabit in whatever way our consciousness lets us know it. It is a beautiful thing to realize no lines—no walls between us—we are just as one.” Annie

It almost sounds like the script from a Harry Potter movie—a death day celebration. Yet, for our beloved and dear friend Annie, Sister, and Mother, we joined together and we celebrated and remembered the day she died. Annie is a great example to us, that anything eternal is real. Annie is real, yet simply existing in another dimension. She makes herself known in so many ways to us who are still in physical 3rd dimensional form. (Usually, she appears in the form of a yellow butterfly to me—just out of nowhere!) No party could be complete without cake—and cake there was—along with champagne and a cheer filled toast! To Annie—our wise teacher—always around everywhere and every day.

I say this only to emphasis that it is this way for all souls who leave the physical plane and their human bodies behind. We know she is alive and vibrant in her new form as energy—a state that we will all return to—the real “home” for each of us!