To know and realize that our loved ones are always around us—even after suffering a great loss—the death of your child—is truly a miracle. But miracles do happen, if we are willing, and open up to a more universal expanded viewpoint. Maybe things are not as they seem? (At least for us who have grown up in the United States believing the memes of our culture.)
Knowing our loved ones are not only fine, but always around us, AND we can communicate with them, can shift even the deepest and most profound grief. By opening up to such beliefs and thoughts heals one and allows one to step back into a vibrant and purposeful life, able to make a difference not only for themselves, but as a living example to others!
With those thoughts, I share a quick email; send by one of our Mothers who attended the Parent-Child retreat in Sun Valley, Idaho. It was a miracle that occurred that third week in October, and Carol’s words express her healing!
The Jewish tradition for Passover is quite astute when one sets a place for Elijah at the table as a symbolic gesture—and another from the table goes to the door, opens it, to invite him in. Perhaps Elijah’s energy is already there, and if so, we can use this symbolic gesture for anyone—physical or not! All we have to do, is “open the door” and let them in!
Dear Sally and Steve,
I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful like both of you!! This was
the first holiday since Mikey's accident that I did not cry. Prior to
the retreat, I always "thought" that Mikey was with me. I hoped and
prayed that he was with me! This holiday I KNEW ,without a doubt, he
was with me the whole day!!!!! Totally different! So unbelievably
amazing beyond words! You all have changed my life forever. What you
have taught me is a gift beyond gifts! Thank you with my whole heart
and soul to both of you and Sophie!
Love and peace to you,
P.S. Go Vikings!!!
I saw Nancy over the holiday when she was in Minnesota visiting her
cousins. It was so great to see her!