Sally Baldwin, channel, medium and psychic is also a mother, wife, sister and wonderful friend. Last week, at Sally and Steve’s home in South Florida, was a small gathering—just for fun—to enjoy the season—the boat parade and the companionship of others. There was plenty of delicious food; veggies and dips—chicken wings—and nibbles. The weather was blustery, but for the most part cooperative and the rain held at bay. The 100+ boats that paraded down the inter-coastal waterway were all decked out for the holiday season and most definitely reflected their names and owners’ in personality and decorative style. From the modest, simplistic and traditional to the loud, flamboyant and flashy each proudly sailed to welcome and celebrate the 2009 holiday season!
Monday, December 21, 2009
The Holiday-Side of a Channel . . .
Sally Baldwin, channel, medium and psychic is also a mother, wife, sister and wonderful friend. Last week, at Sally and Steve’s home in South Florida, was a small gathering—just for fun—to enjoy the season—the boat parade and the companionship of others. There was plenty of delicious food; veggies and dips—chicken wings—and nibbles. The weather was blustery, but for the most part cooperative and the rain held at bay. The 100+ boats that paraded down the inter-coastal waterway were all decked out for the holiday season and most definitely reflected their names and owners’ in personality and decorative style. From the modest, simplistic and traditional to the loud, flamboyant and flashy each proudly sailed to welcome and celebrate the 2009 holiday season!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Our Loved-Ones are Always Around Us!
To know and realize that our loved ones are always around us—even after suffering a great loss—the death of your child—is truly a miracle. But miracles do happen, if we are willing, and open up to a more universal expanded viewpoint. Maybe things are not as they seem? (At least for us who have grown up in the United States believing the memes of our culture.)
Knowing our loved ones are not only fine, but always around us, AND we can communicate with them, can shift even the deepest and most profound grief. By opening up to such beliefs and thoughts heals one and allows one to step back into a vibrant and purposeful life, able to make a difference not only for themselves, but as a living example to others!
With those thoughts, I share a quick email; send by one of our Mothers who attended the Parent-Child retreat in Sun Valley, Idaho. It was a miracle that occurred that third week in October, and Carol’s words express her healing!
The Jewish tradition for Passover is quite astute when one sets a place for Elijah at the table as a symbolic gesture—and another from the table goes to the door, opens it, to invite him in. Perhaps Elijah’s energy is already there, and if so, we can use this symbolic gesture for anyone—physical or not! All we have to do, is “open the door” and let them in!
Dear Sally and Steve,
I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful like both of you!! This was
the first holiday since Mikey's accident that I did not cry. Prior to
the retreat, I always "thought" that Mikey was with me. I hoped and
prayed that he was with me! This holiday I KNEW ,without a doubt, he
was with me the whole day!!!!! Totally different! So unbelievably
amazing beyond words! You all have changed my life forever. What you
have taught me is a gift beyond gifts! Thank you with my whole heart
and soul to both of you and Sophie!
Love and peace to you,
P.S. Go Vikings!!!
I saw Nancy over the holiday when she was in Minnesota visiting her
cousins. It was so great to see her!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Healing from Loss
“I am one of the special moms who has just returned from the Momchild Retreat with Sally and Steve. God bless them and all of you who are a part of this special journey."
"All of the Sun Valley Sisters have been in touch via e-mail every single day. You are in our hearts. We'll never let you 2 forget us!!!"
Monday, November 16, 2009
Connection to Spirit & Loved One is Just Believing
I recently read a Newsweek review by Jerry Adler on Dinesh D’Souza new book, Life After Death: The Evidence. I have not read the book and have no comment on his book—except to say—that the crack in the sidewalk grows a little bigger whenever someone tackles the subject of death and our outdated belief that we possess no connection. Brian Weiss, Dr. Jane Greer and Elizabeth Kubler-Ross among many others bring strong evidence to the contrary. Perhaps, we can compare this to a great athlete. Athletes absolutely know when something works. We live in a world where scientists are always a step behind the cutting edge of what athletes know from experience. Athletes often discover what works 15 or 20 years before science “proves it.”
Maybe our connection with the Otherside and our departed loved ones is similar? Perhaps, the worlds’ belief can expand enough to open themselves up to the possibility that the mind-body-soul connection is stronger than it has ever been. The signs from our loved ones sending up “smoke” signals to announce to us that they are “alive and well”, just existing in non-physical state or other dimension just outside of our physical reality. And actually, for a man that is in the throes of such grief himself (on losing his son Max)—shame on him. Who said spirit cannot exist right beside us and is not in some distant faraway place that reads like an old fairy tale? Maybe the days are dissipating, as we shift to a less-dense human being, open to the possibility of our eternal nature? It took humanity 3000 years to discover the button hole— that the button was not just for ornamental purpose—will we struggle with our connection to our departed loved ones for just as long? To some it would seem so—for others, there is no doubt. Connection to Spirit is just believing.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Parent-Child Reunion Miracle
When Kristen, Denise, Kathleen, Sandy, Judy, Janette and Carol arrived, they were still in the holding grip of sadness—that pit of yearning grief and sorrow that consumes one from your first thought in the morning until you lay your head down at night. You could see it in their eyes, their smiles and their body language. They had been frozen in time. I announced to them Thursday evening when we met for the first time, that they would be forever changed. However, they were, as we all were, unaware of the transformation in just three and a half days. I had witnessed a miracle. The staff had witnessed a miracle. The women had been the miracle! And yes, many will doubt—and cast misgivings and disbelief but just like love and just like rainbows--it was real. If you are open –it is real.
Anything that is Eternal is real. We are eternal. Therefore we are real—existing in this body or not!